The concept of culture would not
exist without communication.
Communication allows for individuals to share information, feelings, and
concepts to create culture. Sharing is a
key word in communication because it “implies that the source and the receiver
are actively working together for common understanding”(Culture and
Communication-7). There are many
different types of communication:
intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, and mass communication. All of these types of communication include a
source, a channel, and a receiver. The
channel is how information gets from one to another, whether it’s by talking,
writing, drawing, texting, calling, etc.
This allows for culture to spread through society. The more channels there are to communicate
through, the more one can share their culture.
Communication is an ongoing process of “what information, ideas, and
attitudes are shared, how much is shared, when they are shared, and what tools
are used to share them”(Culture and Communication-7). Communication is not always understood or
transmitted to the receiver. This is
called communication noise. There are
three types of noise: channel noise, (the message did not send or is
unreadable) semantic noise, (misunderstanding of the message) and psychological
noise (choosing whether to read the message based on one’s beliefs on that
topic). Psychological noise can also be
defined as interoperating information the way one wants to see it. “Philosopher Marshall McLuhan pointed out, “everyone
has his own set of goggles,” and we all think that what we see with our set of
goggles is what everyone else sees”(Culture and Communication-11). The way different individuals interpret information
creates differences in culture. This is
why there is not just one big culture that everyone believes in, but many
different cultures. Communication and
culture go hand and hand with each other, one would not exist without the
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