Monday, May 4, 2015

Music Video and Image

Swimming Pools-Kendrick Lamar

This music video begins with the focus on Kendrick Lamar falling from the air, presumably into a pool.  The camera has a shallow focus on his body and his red suit costume.  Kendrick's wears several outfits and has a décor of gold chains and watches.  The shot throughout the video cuts to various clips of Kendrick in an abandon house, with rundown walls, cement floors, bottles of alcohol and photos of his loved ones.  The diegesis of this video is how Kendrick grew up in poverty, but is now celebrating his riches with cloths, parties and various other accessories.  The lighting in the video is darkened to contrast the glimmering pool and Kendrick’s bright colored clothing.  The plot behind this video is using the abundance alcohol and riches to escape reality and to hide from sorrow.  The video is edited in several ways including cross cutting different scenes, jump cutting and cutting in or away.                     

Paradise-Cold Play                                            

The storyline behind this music video is about an elephant that escapes confinement to be with his own kind; he escapes to find paradise.  Obviously a human wearing an elephant costume symbolizes the elephant in the video. The setting seems to start in England and then moves its way to Africa.  The shot switch’s between scenes of the elephant traveling and scenes where the elephant is holding signs to the lyrics of the song.  The video contrasts many bright colors and mainly uses high-key lighting.  There is a lot of movement shown in various ways including running, flying, riding the subway, riding a unicycle, etc.  All of the transitions are used except for the iris and dissolving technique to draw the main focus on the elephant moving.                              

In this picture, the diegesis is that they are homeless, without food and little money.  One can infer that they are scraping by each day to make ends meet.  The focus of this picture is the man holding his son's head against his chest.  The man is showing warmth and hospitality to his son.  Some of the mise-en-scene displayed in this picture are the toilet paper on the ground, the suitcase, the plastic bag tied to the suitcase, a brown bag, the suit and tie the man is wearing, and the kids backpack and lunchbox.    

This picture displays a decor of a variety of flowers.  The man to the right sitting seems to be relaxed and open minded, while the man to the left is standing nervously with his heart racing (diegesis).  The picture also shows a lot of vibrant color with the blue of the picture, the green of the brick, the color of their suits, and the flowers.
This picture displays a dark background with a women in the foreground.  She has dirt rubbed into her face and the diegesis is that she is under stress of losing something. The focus is on the woman's eyes and her hair frayed across her face.  



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