Monday, September 22, 2014

One Strong Child

          I have read half way through my memoir, A long Way Gone. The suspense and dangers that main character has experienced so far is unbelievable.  It showed a whole new perspective of how life is different than living in a calm, white, suburban area in Louisville, Colorado.  life is easy here, even though sometimes it feels like the world is crashing down on us.  It's hard to grow up in a third world country trying to survive for your life every day.  Being a 12 year old and experiencing dead bodies, blood, and decapitated heads is no way to grow up.  Many children are forced to be child soldiers or killed if they don't join.  "Visualize the enemy, the rebels who killed your parents, your family, and those who are responsible for everything that has happened to you," is engraved into every child soldier's mind to make them kill without mercy.  I am excited to finish this book and get the full conclusion of the story.     

         My college essay has been coming along.  I have redone the first and second paragraphs and editing the other three.  I really focused on making the essay at least 75 percent reflective and only 25 percent summarizing my story.  It was hard to shorten a story to a concise format, but I left in the most important points.  I used many similes, like, "I felt like I was on an assembly line being conducted to do some unimportant job by a higher up," to convey my story in a stronger way.  I also used many metaphors, like, "my heart beat through my chest," to really give the reader clear image of whats happening.  I had both my parents proof read it to fix stupid spelling and grammar errors, but other than that they said it was well crafted.  This essay will be a knock out of the park once it's finished.

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