Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I am very excited to start exploring and learning about memoirs for the next month or so.  I learned that a memoir is quite different than an autobiography, in that a memoir is more about a specific or random collection of memories/stories, rather than the Authors life from beginning to end.  Memoirs are full of heartfelt and unique stories that you can relate to in one way or anther.  It puts you in someone else’s shoe and you can see a different perspective on life.  A Long Way Gone, by Ishmael Beah, really caught my eye because I wanted to see what its like to be a child soldier in a third world country.  Other memoirs that I found interesting was the one about the complete backwards family and the one about how I guy kidnapped a girl for her whole teenage life.  I look forward to reading my memoir and hearing the deep stories of other student’s memoirs. 

Six word memoirs are my favorite.  They are short, complex, meaningful, and can show a life’s story in only 6 words.  They range from sad ones to funny ones to any other emotion there is.  Six word memoirs may seem easy to make, but sometimes it takes years to find that perfect combination of words.  There is no fluff or irrelevant stories in six word memoirs, only the truth.  I also really enjoyed the slam poetry video called I’m Taking My Ball and Going Home, by Scott.  The way he projected his voice and used his body language made it seem like you were watching a movie.  The story was also very rich in detail when he described the fat kid in the back of class that only wanted to be heard.  Slam poetry really grabs the viewers attention and doesn’t let it go till the end.  I would love to go watch one live to compare the difference of seeing them in person rather than over the computer.

I count my riches in powder

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